Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October 2017: Guided walks, birdwatching and readings for children thanks to "ViviFurlo 2017"

1 Oct

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A rich programme of free events is offered during the week-end to help visitors enjoy the Reserve on the occasion of “Vivi Furlo 2017”.

Saturday 30th September. At 2.30pm the first opportunity will be a sensorial walk to explore Monte Pietralata. Thanks to volunteers manoeuvring Joelette, a two-wheeled chair that enables people with reduced mobility to get involved in hiking excursions, the walk will be accessible to everybody. The event for families and children will be “Girando la Fiaba”, a programme of readings of fables and tales taking place at 3.30pm at the visitor centre in the village of Furlo. A snack with cakes and sodas will be offered by Pro Loco Furlo, the local association promoting activities.

Sunday 1st October. In the morning the first opportunity will be a hike up Monte Paganuccio organized with the chapter of Pesaro of the Club Alpino Italiano. Meet at 8.45. Duration of the walk: 4 hours round trip. Length: 8 kilometres. Visitors will bring their sack lunch. The second opportunity will be at 9.30 thanks to “ArcheoFurlo”, the guided archaeological walk across the Gola del Furlo to visit the Roman tunnels and the other remains along the via Flaminia. The walk will be flat and accessible to everybody. At 9.30 there will be also the walk with donkeys at the Gola del Furlo. Children can ride the donkey and have an introduction to its characteristics and behaviors. At 10.00 families and children will profit by  “Prendi la mappa… e vivi la Fiaba”, a programme of games and readings taking place at the visitor centre. From 10am to 6pm it will be possible to practice birdwatching from an observation point near the river. An experienced guide will brief visitors on the birds living in the Nature Reserve and help them observe the golden eagles’ eyrie by a spotting scope. In the afternoon the programme continues by two guided walks “Tra le meraviglie della Gola”  starting at 2.30pm and 4.30pm to discover history and nature in the protected area: the walks will be flat and accessible to everybody.

For all the activities the meeting point will be at the Nature Reserve visitor centre in the village of Furlo di Acqualagna, via Flaminia n.36. Free admission. Reservation is required for all the events. Contact the visitor centre. Phone: 800 028 800 or 0721-700041. E-mail:


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